Sweet Ravi aka Bulldog was found wandering on a dirt path, alone, at just a few weeks old.
A tiny thing with very bad skin and almost no hair!
But he had huge eyes with which to look upon his surroundings, and glance up at passersby. Sue Melbourne and Sindy Reinhold walked past him, and could not just walk away.
They scooped him up and his new journey began.
There were a few bumps early in his path, losing his family at too young an age, a terrible skin condition, passed out chai wallas who said they would take care of him, but leaving him to wander, a baba who said he would watch him but kept him in a broken wardrobe, until we finally got him placed with a wonderful RAC volunteer, who even moved into a location where she could foster him and give him proper care prescribed by us and his Dr Mahima in Dehradun.
Foster him she did, and fell in love with him, and learned we could get him to Canada close to where she lived and they could be reunited forever!
His life and journey have been smooth sailing once he got into our care and Dylane's arms! Now he is at home in Canada, thanks to his flight companion Stuart, and as always, the wonderful Petfly team who handles the necessary paperwork and medical readiness. 💕
So many people came together to save this little fellows life!